Liturgical Ministries

Liturgical Ministers

Liturgical Minister Schedules


Altar Servers

Becoming as Altar Server is often one of the first opportunities for young people to become a part of the parish community by assisting the presider at all liturgies.  Children in fourth grade and up that have received First Communion are encouraged to become a part of this ministry.

We are also welcoming adults to the role of altar server. Adults will be scheduled at the weekend liturgies and will also be called upon for funerals.

Training is held twice a year and a handbook is provided. Contact the parish office for further details.

Printable Schedules:

January 2025

February 2025

Eucharistic Ministers

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly at all Masses. They are also encouraged, but not required, to take Communion to the sick and homebound when the need arises.

Eucharistic Ministers often assist with certain special rites, such as distribution of ashes on Ash Wednesday, and water rites.

Ministers are scheduled at the Mass of their choice.  Every effort is made to schedule family members together when serving in various ministries at the same Mass.

Training is required to become a Eucharistic Minister. Contact the parish office for further information.

CLICK HERE for the current monthly schedule.


Readers of the Word

Readers of the Word proclaim the Word of God and lead the General Intercessions at all masses. They are also called on to read for special liturgical services.

Lectors must be able to devote the time necessary for study and practice of the scripture readings. Training for new lectors is held on a yearly basis and must be attended before becoming a lector. Experience in speaking in front of people is always helpful, but not a requirement. Contact the parish office if you are interested in becoming a lector.

CLICK HERE for the current monthly schedule.

Gift Bearers

Ministers are needed at each Mass to present the bread, wine, and people’s offering.  No special training is necessary.

Most often, family members of the person who the Mass intention is for are called by members of the Liturgy Committee to take part in this ministry. If called, please make your presence known to the ushers before mass.

Often family members are unavailable or are unable to attend Mass.  You may be approached before Mass and asked to take part in this ministry.  Although we feel this ministry gives everyone attending Mass an opportunity to participate further in the celebration, If you do not feel comfortable carrying up the bread and wine, you may politely decline.




The smiling faces everyone sees as they come into the church. This is the first impression most visitors and new parishioners have, so a happy face and a hearty handshake are essential.



Assist with seating people at mass, help with collections and greet people as they come in. They also pass out the weekly bulletins and assist with special handouts.


Lay Leaders of Prayer

Lay Prayer Leaders preside at various Prayer Services held throughout the year, Stations of the Cross during Lent, and Wake Services at calling hours for deceased parishioners.  Training is required and provided through the Diocese. Please contact the parish office for further information on becoming a Lay Leader of Prayer.


Music Ministry

Adult Choir – Leads the assembly in song at 10:00 Mass on Sundays and other liturgical celebrations.  No formal music experience is needed, but a confident voice and love of music are helpful.


Children’s Choir – Help to lead the assembly at all Masses they attend and selected Prayer Services throughout the year. All children of elementary school age are welcome.


Instrumentalists – Are welcome at every Mass, no matter what age or instrument.  Abasic knowledge of the instrument and an understanding of written music is necessary.  No regular rehearsals are scheduled, just join in!


Cantors – Lead the Psalm response at Mass from the ambo.  Weekly meetings help them learn and improve on all aspects of cantoring.


Bell Choir – Plays for many of the special liturgies at Saint Luke, and at various Masses throughout the year.  No experience is required, but an interest and enjoyment of music is helpful.  Bell Choir is open to children and adults.  Substitutes are always needed and welcome.


Liturgical Movement – Enhances select special liturgies.  No experience necessary, just a love of music and a basic understanding of rhythm and movement.  A required workshop must be completed before becoming part of Liturgical Movement.

Contact the parish office if interested in any of the Music Ministries.